The Snail Class 10 Question Answer

In this post, you can get all the questions and answers to the class 10 poem “The Snail”. The Snail Class 10 Question Answer

Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences :

(a) With the slightest touch, the snail shrinks into its house with

(i) displeasure
(ii) pleasure
(iii) pain
(iv) surprise

Answer: displeasure

(b) In its house, the snail lives with

(i) parents
(ii) friends
(iii) relatives
(iv) no one

Answer: no one

(c) The poet has compared the snail to a

(i) tree
(ii) hermit
(iii) rock
(iv) blind man

Answer: hermit

2. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/ phrases/ words in support of your answer:

(a) The snail fears to fall from the wall. [F]

S.S – the snail does not fear falling from the wall.

(b) The snail comes out of his house during a storm. [F]

S.S – the snail stays inside his house during a storm.

(c) The snail and his house are conjoined. [T]

S.S – the snail and his house are together, suggesting they are conjoined.

3. Answer the following questions:

(a) What does the snail usually stick itself to?

Answer – The snail usually sticks itself to grass, leaves, fruit, or walls.

(b) What makes the snail well-satisfied?

Answer – The snail is well-satisfied to be its own whole treasure, living alone and content within its shell.

(c) How does the snail feed faster?

Answer – The snail feeds faster by using his selfishness and self-love nature. Because he feeds faster only when he meets someone.

Grammar in Use

(a) Siraj always rises early. (Interrogative sentence using ‘does’)

Answer – Does Siraj rise early?

(b) Joyce is the best singer in the class. (Information question using ‘who’)

Answer – Who is the best singer in the class?

(c) He saw the rainbow. (Interrogative sentence using ‘did’)

Answer – Did he see the rainbow?

(d) I go to school by bus. (Information question using “how’)

Answer – How do you go to school?

Writing Activity

Write a letter (within 100 words) to the editor of an English daily about the disturbances caused by the thoughtless use of loudspeakers.

The Editor,
The Hindu,
Kolkata- 711111

I am writing to express my deep concern about the excessive use of loudspeakers in our neighborhood. The incessant noise pollution has become a major disturbance to our daily lives. The loudspeakers are used for various purposes, including religious ceremonies, political rallies, and commercial advertisements, often at unreasonable hours.

The noise pollution has adverse effects on our health, including sleep disturbances, stress, and hearing problems. It also disrupts the peaceful atmosphere of our community. I urge the authorities to implement stricter regulations regarding the use of loudspeakers. This could include limiting the hours of operation and setting decibel limits.

I hope that by addressing this issue, we can create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for all.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]

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